We would like to thank all the residents of Easton for their overwhelming support of our New EMS Building Renovation Project. We ask that you continue this support by attending the tentative town meeting on Mon Feb 3rd at 7pm followed by voting to approve the funds at the town vote on Tuesday Feb 11th from 12p-8p
Please see below for renderings and the cost breakdown of the project
The total cost of the project, including the land purchase and site work, furnishings, security and technology, temporary housing, and a contingency, a total of $4,180,944. The town already acquired $1,229,331 from several sources including a contribution of $821,792 from the EMS Trustees, $188,000 from ARPA, $199,539 from two state sources, and $20,000 from the Board of Finance. Therefore, the selectmen requested the Board of Finance appropriate the remaining $2,951,613, from the town’s undesignated or “rainy day” fund. The Board of Finance will meet at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, January 21st, at the Senior Center to consider the request. This is the amount the town would be asked to vote on unless adjusted by the Board of Finance. While the town is being asked to spend $2,951,613 now, the town will be reimbursed an additional $1,118,155 during the project, so the actual amount of funding needed from the town will be $1,833,458. Tentatively, there will be a town meeting on Monday, February 3rd at 7:00 pm and a referendum on Tuesday
, February 11th at Samuel Staples Elementary School from 12:00 – 8:00 pm.