EMT Of The Year

Established in 2002 in honor and memory of Herb Goldman, a 7 year volunteer until his untimely death in January 2002, the Easton Volunteer Emergency Medical Service recognizes an outstanding member each year with its prestigious EMT of the Year Award.

1996-Mark Edwards

2002- Ann Slimak
2003- Dave Kmetz
2004- Adam Goldstein
2005- Cheryl Andrews
2006- Brian Walsh
2007- Carolyn Kearney
2008- Bruce Lewis
2009- Victor Malindretos
2010- Peg Shukie
2011- Lorraine Mercede
2012- Brian Hepp
2013- Sandra Snyder
2014- Jacob Simkovitz
2015- Matt Caldwell
2016- Andrew Tisdale
2017- Christina DiPalma
2018- Paco Acosta
2019- Cimi Carreno
2020- Mary Pat O’Neil
2021- Alex Kenton
2022- Madelyn Andrews

2023- Noah Money