Easton EMS employs 2 full time EMTs that work weekdays, 7am-3pm. Volunteer Home Responders respond to additional calls during this shift as needed. Easton EMS also employs per-diem staff to man the ambulance from 3pm-6pm on weekdays. Again, home responders are encouraged to assist this crew and respond to any other emergencies in town.
Easton EMS volunteers cover the remainder of the week, which is 6pm-12am on weekdays and all day Saturday and Sunday.
To help improve staffing on the difficult to cover 12am-6am shifts on weekdays, Easton EMS has created a pioneer program where college students with a CT EMT certification live at our HQ and respond to emergencies. Currently, Easton EMS houses 2 EMTs. More information on the program is available here.
During the weekend, starting at 12am Saturday morning and lasting until 12am Monday morning, EMS relies strictly on the dedication of its hard working volunteer EMTs and EMRs. Often times these volunteers respond from their homes to emergency calls. If you are driving down the road and see one of our volunteers with GREEN emergency lights activated on their car, be sure to pull over! It could mean the difference between life and death!
In 2022, our volunteers dedicated more than 15,000 hours to helping the citizens of Easton and surrounding communities!